Sunday, December 26, 2010

What is VariYoga?

VariYoga™:  One Journey-Many Paths
When people find out I am a yoga instructor the first question I am asked is: “What kind of yoga do you teach?” I, and all other yogis practice some form of Hatha yoga. Hatha yoga is the umbrella of all forms of yoga. Iyengar, Anusara, Bikram, Ashtanga, Kundalini, VariYoga™ etc. are all styles of yoga that have evolved from the original hatha yoga practice.  
In  2003 a new system of yoga began to evolve, a system that would be accessible to everybody and break free of dogmatic principles. This system of yoga was the dream of Andrea Fournet and Bryan Fowler; the dream became realized in 2006 when VariYoga™ became an official style of yoga.
VariYoga™ captures the essence of the ‘hatha yoga umbrella’ by embracing all forms and philosophies that have evolved within the vast tree of yoga. Students and teachers of VariYoga™ are liberated to practice in a way that feels free and comfortable. It’s the yoga for rebels. It drops the pressure of dogma and lets you be you, and celebrates the good in everyone, every pose, and every philosophy of yoga. It invites you to challenge yourself (tapas) but to also honor yourself (ahimsa). It’s a very balanced and joyful system of yoga. It is safe and effective, which makes it a system of exercise that people will continue over the long term. If you are familiar with yoga you will recognize different styles that vary from class to class and teacher to teacher. It’s yoga for everyBODY! VariYoga™ celebrates that we are all on ‘one journey- many paths.’  
The Arkansas Yoga center (located in Fayetteville) is the epicenter of VariYoga™, with teacher training sessions every spring. Attending the teacher training intensives is not only for aspiring teachers, but for anyone wanting to deepen there practice. Classes and workshops are always in full swing, check out the website at You are sure to find a teacher to share yoga with because so many forms of yoga have been weaved into the VariYoga™ style. 
VariYoga™ is also offered at Ozark Folkways (OFW) in Winslow, led by yours truly. Ozark Folkways share many similarities with the Arkansas Yoga Center (AYC); they have both been nurtured by a dream to help others find fulfillment; whether it be through arts and crafts or yoga (or both!). OFW and AYC are open to all people of all walks of life.They embody something that is essential for the human spirit: community. whether you visit a first friday art reception, attend a craft class at OFW, a yoga workshop, or class at AYC you will leave feeling refreshed and positive about human connection. You are sure to find new friends and may reconnect with old ones. 
What kind of yoga do I teach? I share VariYoga™ with anyone willing to take the journey. Thank you Rebecca, Andrea, Bryan, my husband Eric, family, friends, and my students. You teach me everyday! The Dream Lives ON!
Arianna Gaesswitz, VariYoga™ Instructor, RYT 200

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