Friday, December 17, 2010

What is Yoga?

What is Yoga?
Tights, poses that make you look like a pretzel, and chanting “om” are what most people envision when they think about yoga. Yes, these are all parts of yoga, but yoga encompasses so much more, and has something to offer everybody. The flexible, inflexible, weak, strong, young, mature, the weird, the plain, and all those in between!
To further explore what yoga is; let’s examine what the word “yoga” translates to in english. Sanskrit is the language of yoga, just as french is the language of ballet. Yoga is a sanskrit word that means “to yoke” or “union.” A healthy and balanced mind-body union is the ultimate goal of yoga. As someone begins their yoga journey asana (pronounced ahh-sa-na) practice will often be the first yogic technique practiced. Asana means pose; yoga poses will bring awareness and circulation to every muscle, bone, and joint in the body. Yoga will also tone and stretch the body. 
Yoga also uses breathing and meditation to complete the practice. Taking full, deep breaths allows the lungs to perform gas exchanges within the body more efficiently, with regular practice the health of the entire cardiovascular system will see improvement. Slow and relaxed breaths also tell the body it is ok to relax, while shallow breathing can create a state of anxiety within the mind and body. 
Meditation is simply the quieting of the mind to allow your brain to rest and healing to work more deeply. It gives you a moment of rare silence in a chaotic world. Meditation can be done in various seated positions, moving meditations, or in savasana (pronounced sha-va-sa-na). 
Savasana is our asana (pose) of the week. Savasana means “corpse pose.”  (Sava=corpse,asana=pose) It occurs at the end of every yoga class to let you practice relaxation and gather what you are experiencing. Some call it final relaxation pose. It is a very simple pose, but can sometimes be a challenge mentally.
  This is how the pose is performed: clear a spot on the floor, lie down, close your eyes, let your arms fall to your side palms up, try to release tension, and breath, breath, breath! Eye-bags, aromatherapy (lavender is wonderful), a rolled blanket or pillow under the knees are all extras that can enhance savasana. Practice this pose for 5-10 minutes after every yoga session or whenever you feel like you need to relax. After you finish, arise slowly and feel the effects of de-stressing in savasana. 
Doctors say many illnesses and dis-ease can be traced back to stress. Yoga techniques can teach you how to manage stress, while toning and stretching the body; thus creating balance within the mind and body. You will also experience union with your community when we come together in a class setting to practice yoga. So put on your tights (or sweatpants) and join a class in Winslow, West Fork, Greenland, Fayetteville, or anywhere else in the world. Try them all you are sure to find one that suits your needs!
        So what is Yoga? It is the union of asana, pranayama, meditation, and community to bring union between the body and mind. 

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